View Full Version : NEW FEATURES: on Profile Pages

03-15-2012, 03:47 AM
The profile pages have a few new features!

To go to your profile page you can look to the very top right hand corner you will find the welcome, notifications and then "My Profile" Click my profile and it will then bring you to your profile page. At the top of your profile page you will see the tabs- Visitor Messages, About Me and Friends.

Vistor Messages-

Here visitors can leave you a message.

About Me-

Here you can edit your information.

You can display your contact info and get your profile URL Example: http://www.newellclassic.com/forum/member.php?2-Erika that is the link to my profile page and I can use this link to email and share with friends.

vCard- Your Electronic Business Card

You can download someones vCard. vCard automates the exchange of personal information typically found on a traditional business card. vCard is used in applications such as Internet mail, voice mail, Web browsers, telephony applications, call centers, video conferencing, PIMs (Personal Information Managers), PDAs (Personal Data Assistants), pagers, fax, office equipment, and smart cards. vCard information goes way beyond simple text, and includes elements like pictures, company logos, live Web addresses, and so on. You can go here- http://support.microsoft.com/kb/290840 to learn more about the use of the vCard.


Your personal gallery albums are also on your profile this is not a new feature but if you are not fimilar with the albums you can go to this thread- http://www.newellclassic.com/forum/showthread.php?1042-Building-Your-Personal-Newell-Classic-Album to learn more.

You can also add friends to your friends list and a few other things. If you have discovered something new you can do or something I haven't shared here that has to do with your profile page please feel free to share. :)