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Old 05-07-2012, 04:21 PM   #14
Flydrifter's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Tulsa, OK
Posts: 36

Tom, if you still have access, I would hit that mold area with some bleach spray also, to make sure those spores are knocked out.

Not really familiar with the use of vinegar, but I know the bleach will kill it.

It's sure a good thing these things are framed out in metal, or you would have nothing left of that slide. I have a '99 Lance Slide in truck camper with a little rot in the back rear corner, one of my first projects after retirement will be to pull the Philon off and tackle rebuilding the wood frame on that corner. If it were aluminum like the newer Lances, it would be simple, but if it's too extensive it may be junk. It's my fishing rig when I go alone and don't want to take the Newell. After 12 years it has served us well, but would hate to have to junk it, as it is still very nice everywhere else.

Great work on yours, and you are an inspiration for me to go ahead and start my camper.

Ray Penick
96 Newell, #420
Tulsa, OK
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