Luxury Coach Lifestyles - View Single Post - 11R 22.5 tires plys and weight ratings
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Old 09-05-2008, 03:44 AM   #9
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 279

Just replaced our 1992 42.9" Newell tires with the same configuration that Fulltiming(Michael) did. We also have just attended the Newell Anacortes Rally where they brought in a tire specialist from Washington, DC, some Department of Transportation Dude. Much emphasis was placed on tires at this Rally. Recognizing that the newest Newells weigh much more than most of us are pushing down the road. They weighted all the coaches and were very adamant that we should replace the front tires every three years. I asked if that meant from the DOT date stamped on the tires or if that is from the date they hit the road. The answer was from when they hit the road but, all of us must pay attention to when they have been manufactured and stamped. The DOT guy said when the tires hit the road, they shouldn't be more than six months old, as evidenced by the DOT date stamp. In addition, inflation is the key to our safety and tire longevity. They couldn't stress enough, that many of us do not keep our tires inflated to the proper pressure. If the front, for example, should have 120 psi and it is inflated at 11opsi, our sidewalls are constricting much more and aging much quicker than recommended. Honestly, it scared me into checking my tires before each segment of my trip and filling them to the proper inflation while the engine is warming up prior to departure. It is simple and quick. I had to purchase the air pressure booster from Newell that allows the compressor to put 120psi into the steer tires and in my case, 110psi in the drive and 100psi into the tag. Newell went on to say how important it is for all of us to know our weight distribution on our axles. Critical stuff, which our safety depends on. I'm sure that any of us can receive the Newell tire release notice that was sent out a few months ago. Very very informative. Safe travels to all.
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