View Full Version : Styling Toad

Richard and Rhonda
03-22-2010, 02:04 AM
Well, it's gonna be hard to top this toad. I saw it in the campground this weekend while Rhonda and I were attending a bike ride. You don't get to see the bike rack on the back, but there were two tri bikes on the rear.

I had a glass of vino with the owner, Boogie Lafitte from Shreveport LA. Really neat fellow.

I looked at the car closely. It was well executed down to the fuel filler door and catch can overflow.

03-22-2010, 01:35 PM
Hey Richard:

Looks like a good color combination for your Subaru tow? lol

03-22-2010, 02:51 PM
Richard....read your blog about the bike ride......can't believe you are still getting snow in March.....

03-22-2010, 05:30 PM
I had a unique fellow who worked for me for a number of years. here was his car. he kept the title signed in the brief case on the roof. he never took the keys out or rolled the windows up.

we had a staff meeting at my house one time and the neighbors were quite enthralled with his car in front of the house.
