View Full Version : Ice Cream!

03-22-2011, 12:52 AM
Just wanted to share that the Icemaker is the best place to keep your ice cream. We were told to try it and the only problem is that the ice cream doesn't last that long, it is about at about the perfect temperature..not too hard and not too soft.

03-22-2011, 01:25 AM
Ice cream is in the same category as bacon, 2 of life's absolute pleasures!

03-22-2011, 02:27 AM
Rum Raisen icecream is one of my life's pleasures.....

03-22-2011, 09:46 PM
Well I like Rum, I like Rasins and I like Ice Cream ......but I like the Rum first and the rest falls into order.
I also like Bacon but I am told that I shouldn't eat it every day.

03-22-2011, 10:12 PM
My daughter made some rum raisin icecream for me a while back....she soaked the raisins in rum for a week.....it was served after production of ID.

03-22-2011, 10:22 PM
When my mother made bread pudding she soaked the raisins in rum....yummmm!
I'll have to try making some rum raisin ice cream like that. In fact I may start soaking some raisins now.... Nope got fresh pineapple so that takes precedence over raisins.
Pina Coladas!

03-22-2011, 10:45 PM
I would have to get some cheaper Rum for that purpose.