View Full Version : Do you think the use of Drones is a good measure for domestic security?

11-27-2012, 10:24 PM
Some people love the idea of the US government, state and local agency's keeping us safe by watching everything we do. How about you? I remember several movies over the years exposing the thoughts and ideas to now becoming a real reality.

Full article HERE: Push to step up domestic use of drones - SFGate (http://www.sfgate.com/nation/article/Push-to-step-up-domestic-use-of-drones-4064482.php#photo-3790491)

11-28-2012, 01:45 AM
The drone makers have sought congressional help to speed their entry into a domestic market valued in the billions. The 60-member House of Representatives (http://www.sfgate.com/?controllerName=search&action=search&channel=nation&search=1&inlineLink=1&query=%22House+of+Representatives%22)' "drone caucus" - officially, the House Unmanned Systems Caucus (http://www.sfgate.com/?controllerName=search&action=search&channel=nation&search=1&inlineLink=1&query=%22House+Unmanned+Systems+Caucus%22) - has helped push that agenda. And over the past four years, caucus members have drawn nearly $8 million in drone-related campaign contributions, an investigation by Hearst Newspapers (http://www.sfgate.com/?controllerName=search&action=search&channel=nation&search=1&inlineLink=1&query=%22Hearst+Newspapers%22) and the Center for Responsive Politics (http://www.sfgate.com/?controllerName=search&action=search&channel=nation&search=1&inlineLink=1&query=%22Center+for+Responsive+Politics%22) shows.

All we need, more special interest money:thumbdn:

Jack Fouts
11-28-2012, 03:26 AM
Instead of worrying about us citizens the governments need to be more worried about our skys. This drone deal is a great big waste of resources we don't have to spend. How about a way to protect us from a EMP attack. I think that is where we have vulnerabilities and not with watching or spying on our citizens and their personal lives. Wake up Washington!

11-28-2012, 03:52 AM
The reason this came to mind when I seen this information today, was due to my listening of a nephew of mine that actually fly's a drone for the Air Force. The kid was bragging to my youngest son that how much money he makes as a civilian flying a drone aircraft that actually spy's on citizens for whatever info the big gov wants. My nephew was bragging like it was so cool spying on people and getting paid so well for doing it. My boy later told me that the idea of flying a drone sounded pretty cool but the spying didn't seem like such a great idea. I told him I certainly agree with him and not his cousin.

The real question is; what have we become? It's actually pretty sickening.

Jack, in reference to your thoughts on the EMP, that is most definitely of concern. Heck, I studied some of this stuff when I was in the military over 30 years ago.

Raymond N Priscilla Miller
11-28-2012, 02:04 PM
:cursing: thats all I have to say!

Newellin Thunder
11-29-2012, 04:41 AM
Keep taking our freedoms away!! when will it end!!!