View Full Version : thinking of replacing my inaccurate speedometer with a GPS speedometer

03-19-2013, 06:12 PM
I'm thinking about replacing my inaccurate speedometer with a GPS speedometer. It has many additional features that would be nice-compass, GPS coordinates, temperature, altitude, 0-60 etc. Just wondering if anyone is using one and how often you loose the signal like when in a forest or in the mountains?


The GPS Range of Instruments These GPS speedometers provide accurate speed over ground readings and heading information all in one attractive package. Available in various speed ranges to meet your application, the GPS speedometer is offered in a number of popular styles to match the colors in your boat like Premier Pro, White Premier Pro, Amega, Arctic and Eclipse instrument lines.

Our GPS speedometer can be connected to an existing NMEA 0183 receiver if you have one already installed or you can purchased separately our custom design GPS receiver/antenna. This product is ideal for all speed applications and is particularly useful for slower speed craft and higher speed craft.

Key Features:
GPS MicroAntenna Included
Date & Time
Trip and cumulative distance
GPS coordinates
Compass w/ Heading
Peak speed recall
Digital Stepper Motor Drive


03-19-2013, 06:21 PM
Cliff, if you have a smart phone you can get all that and more with a free app. I just checked on androids, and Android-Speedometer (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.meditgbr.android.tacho&hl=en) includes elevation and speed cameras too.

03-19-2013, 06:53 PM
Jon, that's a sick app! A lot of this technology is really cool, but at the same time some of it is scary. It is a trip to see that the heads up is as clear as it is. Maybe I should add the video.


03-19-2013, 07:01 PM
Jon, that's a sick app! A lot of this technology is really cool, but at the same time some of it is scary. It is a trip to see that the heads up is as clear as it is. Maybe I should add the video.

I check the speedometer on everything I drive now with my smart phone. The only vehicle that I own that has a really accurate speedometer is the Newell. Everything else is 1 to 2 mph off one way or the other.

03-20-2013, 01:28 AM
I had a 98 Pontiac that had a HUD. I'm a black & white, meat & potatoes kind of guy & I thought that it was an annoyance at first. After time I found that I knew my speed without looking at a gauge; kind of like a subliminal suggestion?