View Full Version : UCSD Lecturer Brett Stallbaum has released an Android app called Gun Geo Marker

07-09-2013, 10:06 PM
I wonder whats next??????

UCSD Lecturer Brett (http://visarts.ucsd.edu/faculty/brett-stalbaum) Stallbaum (https://www.facebook.com/stalbaum) has released an Android app (http://gungeomarker.org/) called Gun Geo Marker (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=edu.ucsd.visarts.walkingtools.gungeomar ker) to allow people to 'Geolocate Dangerous Guns and Owners.' The app description states: 'The Gun Geo Marker operates very simply, letting parents and community members mark, or geolocate, sites associated with potentially unsafe guns and gun owners. These locations are typically the homes or businesses of suspected unsafe gun owners, but might also be public lands or other locations where guns are not handled safely, or situations where proper rights to own or use any particular type of firearm may not exist.

https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=edu.ucsd.visarts.walkingtools.gungeomar ker