View Full Version : tempering valve on hot water heater

03-10-2009, 10:14 PM
hi all,

now that i got the coolant heat exchanger working on my hot water heater, i had heard that it gets as hot as the engine, the hot water that is, so i put a watts tempering valve on it.

20 bucks on ebay and adjustable between 120 and 160 degrees. should keep us from getting scalded.

a trip to home depot got the fittings and braided supply hose.

it mixes house cold water with the outgoing hot water for the temperature you adjust it at. pretty simple.

yea, i know my solder job isnt pretty. but it doesnt leak. i just dont solder enough to keep it pretty.


03-10-2009, 11:11 PM
Nice job Tom!! That should keep the grandkids from scalding themselves after a long day on the highway.

03-23-2009, 01:20 AM
on my trip to san diego and back the tempering valve worked great. it is nice to have the hot water heater working on heat exchange and to not get burned.

