Keith, that is a very interesting share. Great news for all those oil well pumps around North America, they won't have to change them all out when environmental issues head their way. Not counting a ton of engine rebuild jobs to be done. This might create a much larger need for aftermarket parts for all those DD's being kept in service which could mean good news for coach owners with these engines.
Now, I didn't see anything showing the 8 cylinder versions. I know most all of the pumps I have seen are the 6 cylinder 71 and 92's in service. Now if the V-8's are not available, they could easily add those parts needed to the mix. Just grind up some V-8 cams and a couple more cylinders etc....
The emissions results on these rebuilt Detroit 2-stoke are utter amazing!
Previous Owner of 3 Newell's
Wanted: Newell Coach Needing Engine Replacement!
If you want to sell, PM or Private Message me. Thanks!
"I know I’m not perfect, and I don't live to be. But before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean."
-Bob Marley