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Old 03-04-2012, 06:06 PM   #2
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hi les,

the folks that are full timers will be able to give you the best answers. but a few things for you to think about on internet.

1. 4g (LTE) mobile internet is as fast as a decent home connection. if it is available where you are. i just did a speedtest on my phone and got 6-9mb down, but 1m or so up. uploading on mobile broadband will be slow. in some cities i get 20m down and 3-5m up. mesa is not as fast.

2. you can get a dedicated broadband card for your laptop or tether off of your cell phone. there are a variety of ways to tether....i wont elaborate here. with varying costs....

3. satellite is slow, expensive and you have to be stationary and the equipment is expensive. however, you can get service anywhere you have sky access. michael day is the king of this system. he knows it inside and out.

4. broadband providers HATE users that use a lot of bandwidith. they have been eliminating unlimited bandwidth plans (i have it on mine from verizon but who knows for how long). the way they punish you is once you hit a certain bandwidth they start slowing you down. if you have limits on your bandwidith then they will charge you outrageous amounts of money too. verizon only slows you down if you are on a cell that is at capacity, but others providers will slow you down to dialup speeds once you use too much. the slowdowns are for unlimited plans. the limited plans will not slow you down because they will charge you....

5. when you start talking 20gig of uploading you are talking a lot of time and you will get slapped for fees. 20g of total up and down is an awful lot. usually only those that are streaming or downloading video use that much.

6. rv parks typically have terrible wifi. some are good but not that many.

7. you might consider free wifi sites. like alot of restaurants have.

lots of bandwidth and low cost are going to become polar opposites real soon if not already.

as for tv, i think it is preference. OTA using your antenna as long as you have a digital tv or converter box is free and high quality when in metro areas.

2002 45'8" Coach
2008 Honda CRV toad
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