BLOCK the Coach before you go under it!!! The Brake Light Switch on our '82 is up front and I think that the wires are Yellow with Red. I make a simple Jumper and just Jumper-ed between the Terminals of the Switch. This allowed me to prove the Problem was Electrical and is much easier than trying to have someone inside the Coach with a foot on the Brake Pedal with Air Pressure.
I was able to prove the Relays in the Back Panel by using the same Jumper (short length of #16 wire with Alligator Clips on each end) by Energizing the Right Side and then the Left Side but if you have Turn signals then these Relays are functioning.
I then was able to isolate the problem to my Steering Column. I was able to bypass the Emergency Flasher and prove that I had found the problem before I ordered the replacement part.
A word of Caution!!! A wire on the new Switch Assembly made contact with the Housing when it was installed. This created a Short and I still had no Brake Lights! It was a simple fix once I found the Burnt Fuse and pulled the Steering Wheel again, just bend the wires out of the the way. Just be cautious when you install the Switch Assembly and make sure that the New Wires do not contact the Steering Column or Housing (I would probably just use an Ohm Meter and check all of the Wires for a Short to Ground after the Install and prior to Connecting the Wires.
I just added a picture of the Rear Panel showing the Position of the Tail Light Relays.
Steve & Tricia
1982 Newell 38' Classic
DD 6V92