Helpful Service Info
Just returned from a trip where we experienced a few unexpected issues but were able to get them taken care of thanks to some local service people! So I thought I'd share the info just in case you are ever in that area and need help! In Pagosa Springs, CO a very knowledgeable young man named Jacob at Buckskin Towing & Repair (970-264-2500), completed serious repairs to great satisfaction! In Abilene, TX I needed a Detroit Diesel expert and found one at Corley-Wetsel Freightliner (325-677-8187). Also in Abilene I found a great place to get oil/filter changed at I-20 Exit 277 called Big Rigs (across from Flying J).
My Navigator tells me she takes down info like this and keeps handy in her books so I thought I'd share this for those of you that do the same! You can't have too much info when you have an emergency on the road!