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Old 08-30-2013, 02:26 PM   #101
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Gentlemen start your engines! I'll reveal it by Sunday, how's that. I have to do it from my home computer so I can give you the two outside pictures. Glad you guise remember so I will stay on my toes about it.

Hey Kansas is playing in Kansas City tonight.

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"I know I知 not perfect, and I don't live to be. But before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean."
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Old 09-02-2013, 04:58 PM   #102
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It's Monday already! LOL

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Old 09-02-2013, 05:05 PM   #103
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LOL! You are right and you nailed me. I thought about throwing the last pics on last night but I was so wore out from playing catch up on a bunch of stuff I was falling asleep in front of the computer. Also just started a 30 day raw food diet and the first days are the roughest. Let me round the pics up and then I'll listen to my interview with the gentlemen and bring us all up to speed on the details since he is one of the few people around that had spoken with L.K. Newell on a regular basis.
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"I know I知 not perfect, and I don't live to be. But before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean."
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Old 09-02-2013, 05:13 PM   #104
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Raw food diet? Yuck! Guess that doesn't include rice n gravy...
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Old 09-02-2013, 10:16 PM   #105
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Okay here are the last two pictures which are of the exterior. You will notice it has a couple of port hole windows which kind of distinguishes itself from all the vintage or classic Newell's I have ever seen. There might be a couple of other things but for the most part she resembles her cousins.Click image for larger version

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If any of you ever seen the thread of the shorty classic Newell that was used as a mobile bank I posted about a few months ago, you will notice that this particular coach had fascia curves ahead of it's time as this particular coach is a 1967. Newell waited until the early seventies before they went with some of the characteristics of this particular coach. The original owner of this coach which I believe stills owns this coach unless someone has recently bought it, had stated in our interview that the Newell Coach factory redid the front suspension, upgraded to a 6 speed Allison transmission and a bunch of other stuff bringing her up and ahead of most of her other cousins. I believe only two of these particular coaches were modified at the Newell factory with these kind of upgrades. The owner joked stating it was at a cost almost as much as the original price of the coach but well worth it in his book. Then he had the interior upgraded not too long ago with some newer frills. I'll update some more of the history shortly. I have to go an enjoy my salad now.

Yes Forest you are correct, no rice or gravy, unless it is sprouted somehow. I can eat anything that is not taken past 105 degrees, so my tea must be steeped a little on the cooler side. But, I will surely say goodbye to any high blood pressure or other ailments. I have done 10 day juice fasts in the past and they do wonders for a reboot.
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"I know I知 not perfect, and I don't live to be. But before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean."
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Old 09-02-2013, 11:00 PM   #106
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Chicken or eggs at <105F may lead to dramatic weight loss due to the salmonella.
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Old 09-02-2013, 11:45 PM   #107
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Clint, were not doing any meat this go-around unless it is seviche style which would mainly be shrimp or some fish. The first few days is more of the detox period and it contains fruits, vegetables, oats, sprouted grains like quinoa, hemp seed, raw nuts & pumpkin and sunflower seeds. We are using a dehydrator for coconut flakes, some fruits & veggies etc.. It's only for 30 days and then we will consider how much meat we want to introduce back into the diet. Basically going into a clean diet for the long haul that cuts out processed and refined foods. Done this in the past and felt really great never having any sickness or ever really feeling tired, but then you start eating some of the crap again and away things go. Once upon a time I almost left the planet for good being such a junk food junkie that I had to change my ways and have done pretty good since now for almost 18 years. It was always tough when others in the family weren't as keen on the matter, but now life is catching up with some others that the whole family wants to change and improve. There is just way to much crap in our food supply, water and air and I'm not interested in the so-called modern medicine method a bunch of my family and in-laws live for. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
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"I know I知 not perfect, and I don't live to be. But before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean."
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Old 09-03-2013, 12:21 AM   #108
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While I'm not sure I could ever go that drastic in my diet we try to only eat fresh or frozen fruit and veggies. I've cut down on the amount of meat also. While I used to eat 2 or 3 pork chops now I get half of one. Same with steaks or chicken. But I've never gone the de-toxify route. Probably should maybe it'll get rid of some of the aches and pains. It's not something only one person can do, has to be a team effort.
Good luck with it.
Forest & Cindy Olivier
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"You don't have a soul. You are a soul, you have a body." C.S.Lewis
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Old 09-03-2013, 02:18 AM   #109
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I read this as I was finishing my quarter pounder with cheese.. I'm pulling for ya!
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Old 09-03-2013, 01:26 PM   #110
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I get on this area to satisfy my yearning for the answer to Kens teasing pictures of an old coach and hear about healthy eating, which has been one of my favorite subjects since I completed the lose of 50# in 1975 using the controversial Dr. Atkins diet which taught me volumes about refined sugar and/or flour. I've detoxed a couple of times and enjoy very good health as I approach the 37th anniversary of my 39th birthday. I would enjoy discussing this subject in depth. In the meantime Ken, if we don't get the answer about that old coach, I'm going to come looking for you and hold you down on the ground and stuff red meat in all of your orifices!
1994 Newell #365 w/Corvette, 2002 streetrod 34 ford golf cart, 2009 Smart Car, 1958 Century Coronado, 1965 Cruisers Inc, CAR & BOAT CRAZY! LOVE OUR NEWELL!
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Old 09-03-2013, 03:20 PM   #111
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Thank you again Larry for all your gracious and contributing thoughts. Do you want the details before or after the smoke clears? I can hook you up with the details this evening after I get back home as I need to jettison down to the office and get some other work done and I'm still here lollygagging on the forum with you awesome retired folks, or semi-retired so to speak with you my great friend. And yes, I would be up for more discussion on the healthy side of things. I'll be back..........
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"I know I知 not perfect, and I don't live to be. But before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean."
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Old 09-04-2013, 05:46 AM   #112
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So, the smoke's past evening...wazzup?
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Old 09-05-2013, 03:11 PM   #113
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Finally a reveal! Thank you, It looks like a lovely classic! I'm interested in hearing more about it's history. This gentleman probably had a lot of great information to share.

Good luck with the raw food. I think that is great you are challenging your health for the better. They say detoxing is something everyone should do and like you mentioned the juice is another way. I have done a fresh juice fast a few years ago for a week. It was brutal but in the end I was happy I made it. Now would probably be a good time to try one again, or maybe I'll give the raw food a try. Forest is right it really is a team effort. If the spouse refuses to give up the meats or processed foods for even a month it will be hard for the one wanting to do it to get through it. I will be looking for an update on the raw diet too.
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Old 09-06-2013, 02:41 AM   #114
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That is a nice vintage Ken, does he still take it out and use it?
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Old 09-06-2013, 03:32 AM   #115
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Keith he does take it out once in a while but it spends more time in storage as they are now up their in years and want to sell the coach. It's a cream puff for sure. It is currently in Northern California.

I need to listen to my interview with the gentlemen and decipher the accuracy of the information before I post too much about it. So it's coming and I'm not trying to wait for eternity. I'm just preparing for the red meat Larry is supposed to be bringing by.
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"I know I知 not perfect, and I don't live to be. But before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean."
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Old 09-08-2013, 02:06 AM   #116
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Well folks here’s the scoop on this here mystery coach. I was kind of hoping to get Larry to chime in on my other post about the 1967 Champion Land Cruiser Luxury Coach, but he missed his chance to share any possible relation to its similarity to this 1967 Mystery Coach.

See, the Mystery Coach is actually related to this same year Land Cruiser by Custom Coach Corp. out of Columbus, Ohio who by the way is still in business today building luxury coaches of different types including a huge division that builds the Farber Specialty Vehicles. Basically the company will build you anything you could probably dream up either on a specialty designed chassis or a conversion chassis. Custom Coach is a top notch first rate builder today as they were yesterday when they actually were considered the manufacturer of this here mystery coach.

This particular mystery coach is a 1967 Columbus Cruiser owned by a Mr. Scully, which was partly built in Southern California at the Streamline factory who shortly after sold out to L.K. Newell. Now my information comes from this very nice gentleman who had purchased the Columbus Cruiser new from Custom Coach Corp back in 1967. I had interviewed Mr. Scully about this coach a few months ago as a representative of this website and with his permission recorded the whole thing. The details in my opinion are quite grand and paint another chapter in regards to the history of Newell. I don’t know if anyone exists at the Newell Coach factory that even realize this part of their history but maybe they do and have just never been shared about it with anyone I have come into contact with. I am planning on uploading the interview to a podcast of sorts sometime in the future and any one ever inclined will get to hear about a piece of history.

Here are some of the details: Custom Coach Corp had made a business partnership with Streamline to build bodies on Ford chassis that Custom Coach had supplied. They were impressed with the build integrity of Streamline products as Miles Elmers whom started Custom Coach Corp. frequently traveled in custom built RV’s etc., around the country promoting his dry laundry soap we know today as the “ALL” brand considered a revolution in the dry laundry soap industry. Mr. Elmers a self made millionaire had Streamline build the body and other details to Custom Coaches specifications and then transported the semi finished luxury coaches up to Miles at his Columbus, OH factory where his team finished out the build to their or their clients liking. Basically the same way bus or Prevost converters do it today, sort of a private label thing.

Basically what they came up with was the cousin to the Streamline (aka Newell Coach) but with some different features and body elevations. They were built with the like features such as interiors, lighting, windows, storage, and running gear all virtually related. When L.K. Newell purchased the Streamline motorcoach division, this canceled out future builds for Custom Coach. All in all I’m told the contract may have yielded up to 24 builds for Custom Coach but I can’t verify this as certain or whether not it did conclude at the Newell factory.

In and around late 1969 Mr. Newell had directly contacted the owner of this mystery coach and shared the details of his take-over of the Streamline Coaches and talked him into bringing his coach down to Miami, Oklahoma for some nice mechanical upgrades. I believe this to be right around early 1970 when Mr. Scully dropped off his beloved Columbus Cruiser coach at Newell factory to be worked over for several weeks.

The upgrades included switching out the 330 Ford engine with Ford 3 speed auto for a Ford 391 industrial engine and Allison 6 speed transmission which I actually never knew Allison were even making back in that day. They also added a hill retarder, replaced the single balloon rear tires with duals, and installed air bags amongst of course some other details. After Mr. Scully picked up his Columbus Cruiser from Mr. Newell, he was overly impressed with his pride enjoy even though we had already liked what he had. The cost for the upgrades at the time was about $15,000 which in today’s dollars would be easily 10 times that.

In recent days this coach has had the upholstery, refrigerator, exterior paint all updated. The tires are only couple of years old. She’s a creampuff and the owner said it has been so trouble free all of these years and extremely economical to work on. Mr. Scully is asking $30,000 for his coach and you could not replace it in this condition for anywhere near this. He may be somewhat negotiable.

There are many more details I am leaving out that would take a couple of pages writing and not sure that everyone wants to read it, that is why I figured I’d do a podcast later on… But, I would be glad to answer any questions I might have an answer to.
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"I know I知 not perfect, and I don't live to be. But before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean."
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Old 09-08-2013, 01:43 PM   #117
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Thanks Ken, that is very interesting! I had visited Custom Coach many times in the 70's and 80's and do recall seeing this "look" in their inventory but never put 2 + 2 together. They definitely are a quality converter and very often used MCI's as the shell. I will now recant all of those nasty thoughts I had of you during my many sleepless nights pondering the identity of this coach. Nice job on the research.
1994 Newell #365 w/Corvette, 2002 streetrod 34 ford golf cart, 2009 Smart Car, 1958 Century Coronado, 1965 Cruisers Inc, CAR & BOAT CRAZY! LOVE OUR NEWELL!
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Old 09-08-2013, 03:36 PM   #118
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Ken, This has been a great saga. Thank you for all your hard work on these things. In a way several folks were "close, but no cigar" as the mystery slowly revealed more details.
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Old 09-09-2013, 02:12 AM   #119
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That is a great piece of history Ken, that coach should be worth quite a bit more than his asking price as far as im concerned. Its stories like this that makes this forum great!!
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Old 09-09-2013, 05:51 PM   #120
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Thanks guys, It nice to know some of you enjoyed the info. For personal reasons I wish I had known about this 10 years ago... but all in all I'm glad to learn of it.

Something I ponder is how interesting it is comparing the second generation and later classic Newell's and their much closer resemblance to this 1967 Columbia Cruiser other than of course the change up in the basement area and rear engine configuration.

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"I know I知 not perfect, and I don't live to be. But before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean."
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