Rather than me regurgitate what has already been recorded on this site about fluid changes I suggest you do a searches on "oil change", "oil filter", "fuel filter", "transmission fluid" and "coolant". The results will tell you most of what you need to know and for the rest you can come back here and ask further questions.
There are a couple of issues that I'm not sure are well covered yet. The first is collection and disposal of the coolant. You will need about 25 gallons of collection space and the means to transport it somewhere safe for disposal or recycling. That is a lot of liquid to handle. Then you need to decide if you want to replace the coolant with a long or shorter term coolant. The long term costs more but doesn't require messing about with additives and test strips that are needed with the shorter term coolant.
There was something else I was just thinking of but it flew away, well maybe later
Jon and Alie Kabbe
Started with 77 Coach
Now have 39' 93 coach
2007 civic toad