From my knowledge as to what the factory will install, is mostly up to the owner. Of course as long as it makes relative sense in the fashion of a mobile or motorized home while not creating any issues in terms of any major build complications etc... It should not be a problem. Just remember depending on how far out of the ordinary we are talking, will mainly mean how much do you want to spend? The sky is the limit. You can go from a $1.6 mil coach to a $2.6 mil coach if that's what it takes to fill your wants and desires.
Hope I'm not confusing you. Newell can do almost anything, just write a bigger check. One of the coaches I owned was originally purchased by a man who owned a furniture factory, so the factory deleted the couch's, chairs and booth. The man had his company finish it his own way. So yes it is very possible.
Previous Owner of 3 Newell's
Wanted: Newell Coach Needing Engine Replacement!
If you want to sell, PM or Private Message me. Thanks!
"I know I’m not perfect, and I don't live to be. But before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean."
-Bob Marley