View Full Version : Has Anyone Heard About . . .

08-29-2007, 01:17 AM
Has Anyone Heard About . . .

« ! » "Whoops, there goes another Converter ! ? ! ? ! ?"
« ? » Does anyone know what 'Legendary Luxury Coach' (LGLX) is up to ?
« ~ » Their 'Website' has been closed for more than two weeks.

« ? » I Wonder why ? =
« ! » Their Coaches weren't selling !
« ? » I Wonder why ? =
« ! » Guess their 'Conversions' are 'To Good ! ?'

« ~ » Is-it Possible that 'Another Converter' has join the list ?

« ! » As Ralph Kramden (Jackie Gleason) would have growl . . .
. . . "Bang, zoom, straight to the moon!"
« ? » With this phrase in mind . . .
". . . Were they the cause of 'Last night's Moon Eclipse ?"
May God Bless
KC ~ 53

09-29-2007, 03:46 AM
A Strong Canadian Dollar
»»»»»»»'The 'Canadian Dollar' at PAR !'
»»»»»»» 'NewellClassic.com' ««««««~»»»»»» 'NewellClassic.com' «««««««
« ~ » With the 'Canadian Dollar' at par with the 'US Dollar,' that means more dollars to
convert a Prevost ;
« ~ » There are certain bus parts from the 'US' but the margin of profit on these parts
stays at Prevost ;
« ~ » That means the price of the shell is going up and up and up. and when is-it going
to stop, no body knows ! ! !
»»»»»»» 'NewellClassic.com' ««««««~»»»»»» 'NewellClassic.com' «««««««
« ~ » Here's the Difference in Price Between a 2006 and a 2008 Prevost H3-45 shell :
There's an increase in price as much as $71,670

« ~ » The Difference in Price Between a 2006 and a 2008 Prevost XLV 45 Shell
There's an increase in price as much as $40,194
»»»»»»» 'NewellClassic.com' ««««««~»»»»»» 'NewellClassic.com' «««««««
« ~ » WoW ! ! ! These differences are on the price of the shell only.
. . . actually these price differences are calculated on the price of a 2005 & 2007 shell.

« ~ » Here's what I mean :
« ~ » A month ago the 'Canadian Dollar' was about 10% less than it counterpart, the
'US Dollar.' Since then there at par ;
« ~ » That means that they will be another +/- 1o% added to the cost of all shells co-
ming out the Prevost plant and add inflation.
»»»»»»» 'NewellClassic.com' ««««««~»»»»»» 'NewellClassic.com' «««««««
« ~ » Yep, that's another WoW ! ! !
« ~ » I wonder if this might be a reason for the closure of Conversion Companies ?
May God Bless
KC ~ 65d What's this?