6 month review
Just thought I'd give an update after 6 months of Newell ownership. Being that I have owned four previous motorhomes, I am used to coming home with a punch list of repairs to make before the next trip. I have now owned my Newell for 6 months & driven over 8,000 miles. Although I work on my Newell every day that I am home, I have not had one thing break that I have had to fix. This is wonderful! Now I am still dealing with issues that were present in the coach when I purchased it and things we want to change, but none are big issues and I should have all of them worked out well before the first anniversary. When I purchased the coach I figured two years & $20,000 to get it in the shape I wanted. Should have it done under a year & I am well under budget. Could it be that I will have the first perfect coach?(just kidding) I will take this opportunity to thank the many members of this forum for their help.
Thanks again...................