Thinking of replacing our '76 Newell Coach
We love our 1976 Newell home. We've been full-timers for most of the past 2 years while caring for my folks at our northern MN lake cabin in summer and escaping to Florida in winter. The '94 Newell on eBay that will apparently go for around $60K tempts me greatly, partly because the extra space would enhance our lives, but also because it's gorgeous. Though maintenance so far has been very reasonable, I'm anticipating something large could break at any time.
I'm concerned that our diesel consumption would go way up. There's very little data on the web--at least that I can find--about motor coach mileage. i think i get over 10mpg in mine with a Cummins 555. A broken odometer and huge tanks that i rarely fill prevent me from being more accurate. What I've seen of mileage discussions lead me to believe that the 90's coaches get more like 5mpg.
Forced early retirement and hopes of buying a house in Florida eventually means we have to pinch pennies. Is there a big difference between fuel consumption in the newer vs older coaches? What about 80's coaches?
Thanks. You've always been a great source of info.
'76 Newell with Cummins 555
(Sold--but never picked up!)
'83 Newell with Cummins turbo. :tongue:
Bought a house in Florida. :bored: