Moderator Expectations
- Post questions/discussions at least 3 times a week in the forum.
- Try to check-in on a daily basis to moderate questions, comments, potential spam.
- Answer questions when able, point to existing questions and answers.
Becoming a Moderator
All moderator applicants must be a member for at least 180 days (6 months) and have at least 100 posts. You must be active in the forum to moderate and regularly create and respond to threads in those forum. This is a volunteer-based job, with no income.
Please be aware that applying to be a moderator does not guarantee acceptance and that moderators will only be promoted when needed. Current administrators will review applications and decide if the applicant fits the desired spot. Administrators have final say and we reserve the right to deny applicants with or without cause.
Think you might be cut out for the job?
If so fill out the Moderator Application and we'd be glad to consider you for the position.
Please copy and paste the text below and then private message it to ncadmin or Erika. You may also email us.
Moderator Application
User Name: (on the forum)
Full Name:
Mailing Address:
Telephone Number:
Email Address:
Please answer the following questions:
Why do you want to be a forum moderator?
Are you familiar with the forum's functions?
Do you have any experience in moderating any forums? If yes, where?