'Newell Coach is celebrating their 40-year anniversary !'
'Oklahoma's Manufacturing Industry'
»»»»»»»»» 'NewellClassic.com' 'High-End Luxury and High-End Style!'
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«~» A Stunning Dedication from the Business Crossroads Publication
«CLICK HERE» for the complete story: see Page 1 ~ Page 16 to 19 (A 'pdf' file)
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«~» Business Crossroads is a publication of the Public Awareness and Outreach Team
of the Governor's Council for Workforce and Economic Development.
»»»»»»»»» 'NewellClassic.com' ««««««««~»»»»»»»» 'NewellClassic.com' «««««««««
«~» This year, Newell Coach is celebrating their 40-year anniversary in the motorhome
industry . . .
«~» Happy 40th, Newell Coach, and continued success.
You truly are a jewel in Northeast Oklahoma's manufacturing crown!
May God Bless
Source: Business Crossroads