Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 341
»»»»»»»»»»»» '' «««~~»»» '' ««««««««««««
»»»»»»»»»»»»How About Enhancing Your 'CB Slangs & Stuff'
»»»»»»»»»»»» '' 'Beside Swearing, At Certain Moments'
Have You Ever Wish To TALK LIKE A TRUCKER ?
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« ~ » Quite a while back I pick-up this sheet in a 'Truck-Stops.'
« ~ » "Some of These Might 'Irritate or Offence Some of You.'
Please indicate those and I will be glad to pull them out."
»»»»»»»»»»»» '' «««~~»»» '' ««««««««««««
« ~ » "If You Have A Few 'S-L-A-N-G-S' of Your Own and Even 'S-P-I-C-I-E-R,'
'Post Them' We Would Sure Like To Read and May Be Use Them
". . . If You' All Know What I Mean !"
»»»»»»»»»»»» '' «««~~»»» '' ««««««««««««
Slang Terminology : Meaning
Advertising : Usually a highway patrol vehicle with its lights flashing ;
Alley Cat : Another way to describe a less than sophisticated but pretty lady ;
Alligator : Piece of a tire that has blown and shredded - (usually a retread) on the roadway ;
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Back Door : The rear of a tractor-trailer unit - "…he's coming' up on your back door!" ;
Bambi : Deer on or close to the roadway ;
Barbers : Used to describe a low overpass below the min 4.121 meter height req. of a truck
(13' 6") ;
Bait or Bear Bait : When one vehicle is up front creating the traffic tempo - making itself
bait for police radar ;
Bear : Police ;
Bear (Cave) : Police Station... (zoo) ;
Bear in the air/Flying Bear : Overhead police in chopper equipped with radar ;
Bear (Meat) : Vehicle without a radar detector ;
Bear (Report) : When asking for last known police location ;
Better Half : Your spouse ;
Big Truck : Tractor power unit, Big Rig ;
Bingo Cards : A card that holds several permit stamps from different states. Becoming less
common w/ the IRP ;
(On the) Boardwalk : Describes a road that is very bumpy. Not advised for bobtailing or
loose loads ;
Boogie (down) : Put the tractor in high gear for maximum speed ;
Boy Scouts : A number of police in one location ;
Brake (check) : When you need to slam the brakes 'on' in heavy traffic or if an obstacle
appears in front of the truck ;
Break : CB Radio term for interrupting a current conversation between other users ;
Break (channel) : CB Radio term for requesting conversation on a specific channel. Ex:
"Break 37, put her up to 37, John!" ;
Breaker, Breaker : CB radio user asking to use a channel, or to cut in ;
Buggin' Out : CB radio user leaving a channel ;
BullDog : Referring to a 'Mack' truck ;
Bumper Sticker : Vehicle following behind too closely ;
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Camera(s) : Police photo radar unit(s) ;
Cash Register/Change Counter : A toll booth ;
Chew and Spews : A truck stop or truckers restaurant / coffee stop ;
Chicken Coop/The Coop/Hen House : Inspection Station or truck weigh station, port of entry,
etc. ;
Chicken Lights/Xmas Lights : Several extra lights on a tractor and/or trailer unit ;
Chicken Ranch¨: A brothel; house of pleasure.. (shanty town) ;
City Kitty : Female police officer ;
Clean/Clear Shot : Highway clear of highway patrol units / little traffic ;
Cloak/Dark-time : Describes night falling ;
Coal Bucket/Dumpster : Tandem Dump trailer ;
(The) Coke : The famous Coquihalla Hwy #5 in B.C. Known for its altitude and constant
weather changes that can occur in minutes ;
Comeback.. : CB slang for please answer my question or comment, also means repeat... ;
Comic Book : Truckers logbook ;
County Mounty/Mounty : U.S. or Canadian Highway Patrol
Covered Wagon : Tandem Dump trailer or gravel truck with a tarp-covered load ;
Cowboy : Term for dangerous driver - imprudent actions or carelessness on the roadway. En-
dangers themselves and others ;
Crotch Rocket : Old term for a motorcycle - usually a fast sport bike where the rider is hunched
over the gas tank ;
Cub Scouts : A sheriff's deputies ;
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"Do it to it.." : To speed up; get going ;
Double Harley : To put the dial of the CB radio to channel 11 ;
Double Nickel : Maintaining a speed of 55 mph ;
Down Stroke : Going downhill / to downshift and handle the downgrade ;
Dragon Wagon : A tow truck ;
Dry Dock : Freight sitting on a dry dock, awaiting shipping ;
Dry Van (box) : Trailer with no reefer unit attached and no insulation ;
Duped Earl : A driver who has been 'taken' or duped into taking a load that has very little return ;
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Ears on : Is a driver listening? Is the CB on ? ;
Eighteen Wheeler : Tractor trailer unit with 18 wheels ;
Evil Kinevil : A motorcycle policeman ;
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Fat Load/Heavy Load : Truck that is overloaded - too heavy for provincial transport regulations ;
Feedin' the Bears : Trucker that is receiving a ticket ;
Flappers : Same as 'Ears On' ;
Flip Flop : On the way back.. A driver's return trip ;
Four Wheeler : A non-commercial passenger vehicle - obviously with 4 wheels ;
Freight Burner/Freight Shaker : A Freightliner truck ;
Front Door : The front of a truck - something coming up ahead on the 'front door' ;
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Garbage : American trucker terminology for fresh produce. Canadians do not typically use this term. ;
Gatlin' Jim : Term for a well-known professional and seasoned trucker. Safe, courteous, etc. ;
Gear Jammer : A famous truck stop in Union Gap, Washington. Also describes a speeding trucker ;
Gear Jerker : Self-explanatory (depends on your interpretation, I guess...!) ;
Gear Slammer : A driver who varies speeds frequently from slow to fast. May be very tired or irate ;
Gettin' out.. : Getting off of the CB radio ;
Go to the Harley : Put the CB on channel 01 ;
Goanna go flatline/horizontal : Going into the sleeper for a rest ;
Got your Ears On.. : Variation of 'Ears On' ;
Grass : Usually referred to as the median (as in middle or side of the road) .. See also 'rhubarb'... ;
Gratin' Jane : Rookie female trucker. Grinds the gears, etc. ;
Green Stamp Road : Toll road ;
Green Stamps : Monies paid for traffic fines ;
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Hammer (down) : To step on the accelerator / put it to the floor ;
Handle : CB name a trucker prefers to be addressed by - "What's your handle, mac?" ;
Harvey (Wallbanger) : Name given to a driver who doesn't garner much respect from other ;
drivers. i.e.: dangerous, reckless, careless, etc. ;
Honey bear : Female police officer (also: city kitty...) ;
Hooterbox : CBer that won't shut up ;
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Icebox : A driver in a unit with no working heater ;
Idiot box : Television set ;
Invitations : Tickets ;
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Juvenile Delinquent : Young people on the radio tying up valuable channels like #19 ;
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Landline : A hardwired telephone ;
Linear (amp) : An amplifier generally used to increase the transmission output of a CB radio ;
Local Yokel : A person local to the immediate municipality ;
Lot Lizard : A lady of the night; prostitute ;
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Makin' Bacon : We ALL know what this means! ;
Make the trip (grade) : Is my transmission being received ok? (Comeback...) ;
Mile Markers : U.S. interstate highway mile markers posted at roadside, very seldom seen
in Canada due to extreme cost of posting them ;
Milwaukee 2 Wheeler : Harley Davidson® Motorcycles ;
Mix Master : Used to describe a highway overpass's cloverleaf -- why? Because vehicles
tend to roll or slide off of these when going too fast ;
Montreal Hill (The 'Hill') : Famous steep hill in Ontario's Precambrian Shield country, northwest
of Sault Ste. Marie, along northern Lake Superior ;
Motor City : Good old' Detroit, MI ;
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On the Side : Shoulder of the roadway ;
Over your shoulder : Behind you ;
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Parking Lot : Vehicle transport truck ;
Pickum-up : A half-ton pickup truck (Boxed 4-wheeler...) ;
Picture machine (taker) : Photo radar, also normal radar ;
Plain (Brown) Wrapper : An unmarked police vehicle ;
Prairie Fire : The setting sun on the horizon that gets in your face making it difficult to see ;
Pumpkin : A flat tire ;
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Quick Shine : A good cleaning from a rainstorm... (window wash) ;
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Raging' Cajun:V : Black-haired beauty from New Orleans (expanded to include the southeastern
U.S., but generally the state of Louisiana) ;
Raking' the leaves : Trailing behind a line of big trucks... ;
Ratchet Jaw : Idiot that won't stop talking... ;
Read (me..) : To hear correctly i.e.: "You reading' me Jake?" ;
Rest em up : To rest at a roadside rest area ;
Rhubarb "Whoaa - hit the rhubarb!": An old description for someone hitting the ditch, or
about to! ;
Rig(s) : Tractor power unit; Big Truck ;
Rocking Chair : Vehicle caught between two big trucks ;
Roger Beep : A cheap device bought at truck stops that 'beeps' when the mike is depressed /
released, for the tone deaf and annoying as hell! ;
Roger wilco : (Ok, received correctly), will comply... ;
Roller Skate : Usually a small 4 wheeler (car) ;
Rolling Parking Lot : Variation on Parking Lot ;
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Seat Covers : Very attractive women inside vehicles (an old term...) ;
Shake the leaves : To see what lies ahead ;
Shaky Town : Los Angeles, CA ;
Shanty : A truck that shouldn't be on the road due to its horrible condition ;
Shanty Town : Another term for a brothel, or house of pleasure... (chicken ranch) ;
Shiny Side : Top of the trailer (top side...) ;
Skateboard : A flat decked trailer ;
Smokey on four legs : An old euphemism to describe Royal Canadian Mounted Police ;
Stagecoach : A travel bus ;
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Thermos : Tanker truck; oil, gas, milk, etc. ;
Tijuana taxi : A well marked police unit - such as highway patrol vehicles ;
Tin Can : CB radio ;
Tokyo 2 Wheeler : Large Japanese-made motorcycle ;
Train Station : Traffic court that finds almost everyone who appears before it, guilty of a traffic
conviction (there is one such place in Washington!) ;
Two-wheeler : Self-explanatory for a motorcycle ;
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Walked Over.. : When someone with a more powerful transmitter (i.e.: more than the legally
approved 4 watts) starts talking over your conversation, drowning you out. Extremely arrogant
behavior, but some drivers are like that. Others just don't hear you, period ;
Willy Weaver : Driver under the influence, or extremely tired ;
Windjammer : Driver that won't shut up.. (hooter box, ratchet jaw...) ;
Window Wash : A good cleaning from a rain shower. (quick shine) ;
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Yardstick : Again, they are mile markers positioned at the side of the interstate highway.
Good practice to use this term ;
You got a (copy) on me : Yet again, a question over the CB radio for "Do you hear me?",
"Am I coming in?" ;
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Zoo : Another term for a highway police station... (bear cave).
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« ~ » Some are 'Pretty G o o o o o o D !'
". . . If You' All Know What I Mean !"
May God Bless
KC ~ 82a What's this?