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Old 01-17-2014, 04:41 PM   #1
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Default Motorhome thefts

GRAND RAPIDS, MI – A man suspected of stealing motorhomes in West Michigan and other places around the country has been indicted on multiple charges.

Walter J. Nunley is facing charges of conspiracy to defraud the U.S., transportation of stolen vehicles, transportation of stolen goods and making false statements to a federal agent, the indictment said.
Another man linked to Nunley, Ronald Bruce Myers, is serving 41 months in federal prison after being convicted in Arizona of sale or possession of a motorhome stolen in North Carolina, court records show.For more than a year, police in the Grand Rapids area and elsewhere have been investigating what they called an “organized theft ring” that stole motorhomes from dealerships, and fraudulently obtained documents for the vehicles.The motorhomes were hot-wired and stolen from lots in the Grand Rapids area, including Holland, Kentwood and Wyoming, police said.Police obtained surveillance images from a Holland-area store where the suspected thieves visited before they stole a vehicle from Holland Motor Homes & Bus Company, 670 E. 16th St.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Michael MacDonald filed a 31-page indictment that detailed the thefts of motorhomes across the country, document fraud and sales of stolen motorhomes.He said that Nunley, whose hometown is not in court records, made at least $512,000 as part of the scheme.The conspirators removed and changed vehicle identification numbers, obtained false state government paperwork, and used false identification documents in possessing, transporting and selling the stolen motorhomes, the government said.In October 2011, one of the conspirators bought software and materials to produce official-looking identification documents from a business in Las Vegas. A “cloned,” or “washed” title for a motorhome would then be issued by a lawful state authority based on the false information provided by the conspirators, the government said.The cloned titles can be created when a counterfeit title purported to be from one state is submitted to another.The indictment documented the thefts of multiple motorhomes and the production of fraudulent titles.On March 28, 2012, Nunley and another man allegedly drove a Jaguar to a Meijer store in Holland, near the Holland Motor Home & Bus Company. The other man stole a 2006 Country Coach motorhome. At some point, the motorhome was taken out of state.Later that year, the conspirators applied to the state of Mississippi for a title, under the name, “Grover Sanders.” They submitted a counterfeited title, purportedly issued in Virginia.Another was issued in Illinois, under the name, “Ronald B. Myers.”
Investigators found titles from both states when the motorhome was found early this year in Las Vegas.
The government said Nunley and another man stolen another motorhome on May 8, 2012, in Wyoming. They took it to New Hampshire, then submitted a title purportedly issued in Virginia to Mississippi authorities, the government said.
Suspect in thefts of expensive motorhomes faces federal charges in Grand Rapids |
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